Author: Miraculous Recovery
The easy way, or the hard way…
In the past my dad would use this line. “Do you want to do this the easy way, or the hard way?” I’ve always been pretty self sufficient and choosing the hard way although not the smartest was the path I took. I think it’s time I turn around and go the easy way. I…
My Death and Re-Birth “woe is me”
Maybe I’ve been absent for a month cycling through the same old rig-a-ma-role but some things improved. Sobriety is still an ambition. I’ve honestly felt missed by no one and I’m trying to cope and grasp the solitary life – of life on life’s terms. Sobriety from what is the thing I cannot decide on,…
Hurt People – Hurt People and what I hate
I realize today the problem with me is me, I realize today that I should harness the power within to mend, repair, heal & love myself. “Hurt People – Hurt People” that is to say that myself knowing I am damaged, I’m hurting others. I hate my addictions. The brutal honesty coming from me today…