Category: Introductions

  • My first 168 hours on life’s terms

    Well internet audience it’s been a whole week of posting about what life on life’s terms means to me. I’m happy to be sober today and I hope you have found my posts warming. I’m sort of kidding when I say it’s only been 168 hours, if you have read through my posts thus far…

  • All in – I want to be a bigshot

    The biggest addiction I face present day is the one-arm bandit culprits. There’s something about the feel of the casino that keeps me returning, the thought that maybe they’re pumping fresh oxygen into the gaming room floors air. In order that my tobacco fueled lungs can withstand another hand or pull on the slot arm.…

  • Love strong coffee, don’t you?

    Here’s the coffee I’m going to be having, I’ve always found kicking horse to be a great strong coffee. I think they have one bean called “Kick Ass” or something. I must say Kicking Horse Coffee is one of my top favorites. (You can click the image above to be directed where to buy it)…