Category: Uncategorized

  • Frugal Freddy’s thoughts on…

    I have been using this app Checkout51 for nearly a decade. I really enjoy getting cheques in my mailbox. The premise of this app is to search through the categorized item list and add item’s to you redeem pile. After you have purchased them upload the photo proof “Your receipt.” You get CASHBACK (Canadian Dollars)…

  • Best medicine; Peace

    If everyone wanted peace, would we still be plagued by epidemics, no food, addictions – And every other sorts of insecurity imaginable?.. While only being one person I cannot put an end to the suffering, but I believe I can do my fucking best not to perpetuate sufferings. It’s typical of many of us lavished…

  • My Death and Re-Birth “woe is me”

    Maybe I’ve been absent for a month cycling through the same old rig-a-ma-role but some things improved. Sobriety is still an ambition. I’ve honestly felt missed by no one and I’m trying to cope and grasp the solitary life – of life on life’s terms. Sobriety from what is the thing I cannot decide on,…