Tag: sobriety
Hurt People – Hurt People and what I hate
I realize today the problem with me is me, I realize today that I should harness the power within to mend, repair, heal & love myself. “Hurt People – Hurt People” that is to say that myself knowing I am damaged, I’m hurting others. I hate my addictions. The brutal honesty coming from me today…
Father’s Day, dream of retiring
Who doesn’t ever at one point in life dream about retirement, from working so hard your whole like until possibly owning your own home & cottage. I think that when the time comes I’d be getting some of these for my garden. Who wouldn’t want solar powered anything? It’s definitely decorative and if it’s sun…
My first 168 hours on life’s terms
Well internet audience it’s been a whole week of posting about what life on life’s terms means to me. I’m happy to be sober today and I hope you have found my posts warming. I’m sort of kidding when I say it’s only been 168 hours, if you have read through my posts thus far…